Visit our 2024 Theaters page
for more details and links to reviews!
Recurring donors (monthly / quarterly) help us plan and budget for the future!
We are currently funded primarily by 13 partners in 8 states. (Our ministry has 120+ Local CMCs in all 50 states plus DC)
Help us help Christian films! Learn more at THE CREW page!
Target level $25/month equivalent ($25/month, $75/quarter, or $250 / Year- save 2 months)
CMC The Crew t-shirt for partners at $12/month equivalent or more.

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Christian Movie Central started in 2010 in Peoria, Illinois. In a movie theater of capacity over 200, about 8 of us watched the film “To Save a Life.” My son and I were two of those, and over lunch we then discussed how we could help get the word out about Christian films.
We settled on an approach similar to a men’s ministry model developed by Man in the Mirror in an early version of their No Man Left Behind Model. Create, Capture, & Sustain Momentum.
Each Christian film is an opportunity for us to reach new people with our ministry – with the simple question, “Would you like to know about future Christian films?” The answer is usually yes.
As our audience grows, we can tell more people about Christian films, and at each film we hope to grow further.
At the 2016 National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, TN, I discussed “Regional Movie Ministries” with many people, with the idea that as people did whatever they felt like doing to promote Christian films, we would promote them, and build a network.
What we learned was that most people loved the idea, but did not take action to do something, so we retooled, scaled the primary focus back to a specific few steps, and defined CHRISTIAN MOVIE CENTRAL.
Each local page will focus on films in their area, and films within roughly an hour or so traveling time. Nationally, and for those who don’t have a nearby CMC (yet), we’ll serve through the following means:
National Facebook CMC page: This page will have general movie news, but not specific theaters. It is intended for those who do not have a local CMC page (Yet!)
Twitter @ChristMovieCent – To be honest, this is the least used of the various options, but we’re looking to improve on remembering to share occasionally on this platform. (you know what would help us remember? A WHOLE lot more followers!)
Smartphone App in planning stages,